Our Cooking Day 13th February

As part of our Design Technology lessons, Class 3 had to evaulate both our school dinners and home meals.

We decided that we loved our school dinners and our meals at home and wouldn’t want to changed them. So we came up with the idea of creating and designing a meal for our grandparents which linked with the Eatwell Guide.

We decided to make cottage pie and vegetables along with a fruit tea loaf and some lemon drizzle cake. We did all the work ourselves! We then served this food to grandparents and parents at an afternoon event along with tea and coffee.

We worked incredibly hard, following recipes and learning new preparation and cooking skills including chopping, peeling, grating, browning and mixing. We worked very hard all day and, of course, we were very proud of the end results.

Thank you to everyone for coming along and supporting us and evaluating our food! We hope you all enjoyed the afternoon as much as we did!

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