Welcome to our

Reception Class of 2021

We are really looking forward to welcoming you all to our school. We know you are going to be very happy here but those first days of school can also be a little bit scary – that is why we’ve made this special place on our website – so that you can visit it as much as possible. It’s full of tips, photos, videos and stories to make your first days at school that bit easier.

And if you’re still feeling nervous why not watch Topsy and Tim (below) and see how they went on?

Welcome to St Mary's

Even if your child has been to nursery, their first day at school can be both an exciting and nervous time (for you and your child!) that is why we try to do as much as possible to help you and your child with this transition.

In the slide show, we try to include everything so that you and your child are prepared for their first days at school. As well as detailing the curriculum you’ll find other information to help you become familiar with our school. You can download a PDF of the slide show here.