Willersley Castle: Tuesday

Willersley 2022

Day Two

Today we've been getting to grips with rifles, grass sledging, bush crafts and finishing off with a blind trail. We literally have not stopped still! Good job the food here is delicious.

Grass Sledging

Down at the rifle range

Although we made it look easy using rifles there was lots to learn and think about. Of course, we had to learn all the safety protocols - handling an air rifle is a serious business. Then we learned tips for aiming - hitting the target isn't just about having a keen eye, we had to be sure to hold the rifle in a steady position, and finally we had to learn how to correct our aim.

Bush Crafts

After rifles and grass sledging, we all embarked on bush crafts - a wonderful few hours in the forest. Scavenging, building, creating, learning and making fires. We had to make sure we were camouflaged - meaning we went back to the castle with some dirty faces. It was great.

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