Willersley 2023 – Tuesday

Willersley 2023


Today we have been very busy. Luckily we start each day with a hearty breakfast as we get hungry very quickly. Between, canoeing, initiative exercises, kayaking and archery - we do so much it's hard to take a breath!

Initiative Exercises and Archery

Today we did initiative exercises where we really learned the value of team work and good communication. We also did archery - here it is very different. You have to be vigilant and rely on yourself - you have to follow the safety rules carefully and then think about how to correct your aim to get a better result.

We love it here

Can you imagine? Here we are in a real life castle - sleeping and eating in it? It's wonderful. Of course we miss all our families and our friends, but really we're so busy and we have so many opportunities that there isn't much time for missing home. If we're not learning new skills or bonding with each other, we're probably eating or sleeping!

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